I was recently at my Mothers house and found my old Sony Mini Disk Player and its disks. In high school it seems like I was the only one with one of these things, lol.
Modern Warfare 3 is the only game I have been playing since it dropped in November. If your on Xbox Live and want to play, send me a friend request and lets make it happen. My gamertag is Terror Iz Him. MW3 is a great game too by the way! I'm no slouch either, ha!
Sorry for the long delay in updates, After LA I've just been busy doing artwork and working. Haven't really had time to update this thing. I wish Android had a mobile app where it was easy to update stuff like Apples ios. But anyway, i'm back and ready for 2012!
My girlfriend told me she wanted me to do more commercial artists. Kayne, Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj, etc. So I decided to do a Kanye piece. I think Kanye is a great artist. Love his instrumentals, and he has become a just as good as a producer as he his a rapper. I liked the way this turned out. I plan on breaking the "only paint underground rappers" mold. One painting at a time. lol. This was also featured in "You Know My Steez 2" Art Show
My friend Kirk is a great photographer, and I asked if I could take some of his images and draw them in my way. He agreed, and I came up with these quick sketches. I think i'm going to paint them soon. I dig em. To see more of Kirks work, check out his blog here http://lostinthebadlands.tumblr.com/ Hes definitely a DOPE photographer
I recently did a picture of the character "Buggin Out" from the Spike Lee movie, "Do The Right Thing" He was one of those characters in the movie that stood out. I thought it would be fun to draw and paint him. Alot of people seen it at "You Know My Steez" last week and liked it alot. Here is the clip that made me wanna do it, and here is the process I did in painting it.
The show was a great success, even despite all the rain we got on Friday night! People still came out to support Me, Antonio, Melfly, Bull Dre, Selina Carrera, and Bey. We would like to thank you all for supporting this show, and we will do it again! Special thank you goes out to Stephanie Dawkins who hosted the event, and DJ Mech for DJing the event as well! Thanks you guys.
I was Boarders last night, and they are closing down all across the country. I decided to stop in and see what they had left, the one near me shuts down in 5 days. I lucked up and found this book by Michael Eric Dyson, and its all about Nas's "ILLMATIC" CD. It was only $4.89 so I figured I mind as well go for it. So far its pretty good. I'm really interested how hes going to break down each track, and try and find a deeper meaning for all the songs.
After work my girlfriend and I decided to go downtown and check out the local art loop and support my friend Herman Vanderbrandt art show. He is a GREAT photographer. Its cool to finally see his work hung up in frames. After we left there, I met Tiera Brown, she is a painter and she does Excellent work as well. It was good night out on the town. Its good to see others work, def inspired me to paint.
I'm testing this new blogger app for the iPhone on my iPad 2. Just testing it out. So far it seems pretty good to blog on the go. Now they just need to create the iPad HD version. The image attached is a flyer I made for my friend Dre
One of my favorite songs from Raekwon's "Shoalin Vs Wu-Tang" Album. Good to see him and Nas spitting bars back and forth. Kinda old video too, though I still think its dope.
Antonio Mcilwaine and I are back at it again with another art show in Philadelphia. This time, it will be better then the last time. NEW artwork, New artists, this show will be DOPE. Definitely don't wanna miss out on this. Hope to see you guys there. Please come out and support the arts!
Due to the success of the first "You know my Steez" Antonio Mcilwaine and Sean Henry decided to create a follow up with all NEW unseen artwork. The show will feature special musical performances by Anessa Lerae, Bey, Bull Dre, Melfly, and Selina Carrera. Stephanie Dawkins will be the host of the night, and Leon Barton will be the DJing the event. There will be 1.00 raffle tickets to win free artwork and special prizes throughout the night.
There will be a 10.00 Admission fee, which includes unlimited drinks and food throughout the show. Come out and Support the arts!
AndersonHouseOfLaborAndLove is a new clothing company started by my friends Jeremy and Teddy Anderson. I think its cool that they are married and started their own business together. They have alot of cool creative designs for their shirts, and I cant wait to see what other ideas they come up with next. In the mean time, you can check them out here http://www.andersonhouseoflaborandlove.com Like them on Facebook HERE and Follow them on Twitter HERE SUPPORT THE ARTS!
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who has me and helped me and Antonio put this show together, with the food, drinks, djs, musical artists, we couldn't have done this alone. And a VERY special thanks to everyone who came out and supported us. The show was a great success, and there will be another very soon! Here are some of the pics of the show, hope you enjoy!