My friend Ryan wanted me to paint a family portrait for him. He gave me the pictures, here are the end results. I had fun painting this for him, and I hope he enjoys it. Shout out to
So last Saturday night, My friend Brenton (U Godzilla) and I (Terror Iz Him) was playing Team Slayer on Halo Reach. Team Slayer is 4 players vs 4 players, and the first team to get 50 kills wins. So as soon as the game started, two of our players quit. And in Halo once players quit, they don't add other players to fill those spots like Call of Duty would. So its now 2 vs 4 to a game of 50 kills. And we stuck together and won! It may sound stupid, but it was the best game we ever played together..We still talking about that game today! Here are some of the stats and pics from the game.
I bought Halo: Reach the first day it came out last week. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it. But after a week of playing the multilayer with friends, I'm digging it again. I probably got used to playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 which is much faster and more realistic. Either way both games are good, but ill take Call of Duty over Halo any day. This will hold me over until Call of Duty: Black Ops comes out in November. (XBOX LIVE GAMERTAG)-Terror Iz Him
Bertolee is an upcoming clothing line. Be Different. Support my brother. Hopefully you will soon see some of my artwork on a BertoLee T-shirt! Here's a little more about them, also check out their website as well. "We are an apparel company striving to be different and to provide an outlet to the normal, every day, typical things you are used to wearing and seeing. At first glance you may not notice…… but; you will be noticed. It’s not always about fitting the mold or following the steps of the person in front of you. Although we may all put on our ‘pants’ the same way, it doesn’t mean that they are the same color."
Congratulations to Kristel and Ryan Williams. The wedding was beautiful. Perfect weather. Great food. Great friends and family all in good spirits in support of you two. And not to mention a open bar! I had a blast that day, and Thank you for letting me be apart of your ceremony. I wish you guys the absolute best. Kristel your officially K-Dub! Ryan, Your still Ryan. Be blessed guys.
Last week I lost someone close to my heart, my cousin Jason. We grew up together, played basketball together, traveled together, played video games, went to concerts, etc. We did it all. Growing up I always looked at him as more of a brother then a cousin since he didn't have any siblings until later in his life. So this post is dedicated to you Jay. It's going to hard moving on without him, but our memories together will last forever. I love you brother. Rest in Peace Jason Edwards 1988-2010.