I tweeted my Illustration of Raekwon to Raekwon, and H=he actually hit me back. Thought that was great he took the time and brought some traffic to my website. I been tweeting all day because of it! Good look Rae! http://tweetphoto.com/19891584
Finally got some time to finish the Raekwon painting I was working on. I'm Happy with it. Method Man picture next? I think so...http://seanhenryart.com/
Today the movie "Avatar" was released in stores. I'm probably the only person in America, No, I'm probably the only one out of my friends who hasn't seen it. So I bought it on blu-ray and I can't wait to check it out. Hopefully its as good as everyone is making it out to be. It is the highest grossing movie EVER. But that doesn't mean the movie is good. I'll be the judge of that. Ha ha
Guru of Gangstarr passed away today. Wanted to pay my respects. In my eyes he will always be known as one of Hip-Hops most underrated MCS. Rest In Peace.
My Illustration friend Eric Jordan sent me a custom art piece and I sent him one in return. I asked him to do a Ghostface Killah Piece, and I did a Old Dirty Bastard Piece for him in exchange. I asked for it very Abstract like he did his "Biggie Smalls" pic. Came out dope! Even though the USPS banged up my package. I'll still get it framed up. Good look E. Check his work here. http://www.ejordanill.com/
To make this trilogy complete this is all I ask for; Online Four Player campaign mode. That's it. Simple right. Halo 3 did it. I'm Sure Epic can make this happen. On a side note, this game looks hot so far!
After seeing this review, looks like this might actually be worth 499.99 for a 16 gig version. Looks like Apple hit another home run with this one. I'm loving the Marvel comic book App already from seeing the video