Awhile back I created a Don King Troll Illustration for Rock Smith, and now its finally done. Kinda cool seeing it on a T-shirt. Shout out to Eric for making this possible! Interested in buying one? Click Here
This Bertolee X Sean Henry Collaboration has been done a while now. Its good to finally see the final outcome of the shirt design. I'm definitely digging it! You should grab yourself one...
I can't wait to play this game! Arkham Asylum is one of my favorite games for the 360..I was never a huge fan of Batman either. But this is a must have game! Check out the trailer
Ran into a dope new blog yesterday called It has Photography, skateboarding, music, artwork, and even sells clothes Check it out, trust me its a cool blog. I spent a good twenty minutes just reading the first three articles..If your on Twitter, definitely follow the owner on::
We stopped at the world famous Long's Bakery when we were in Indianapolis. My girlfriend kept saying you will love these doughnuts, and I can't even front, she was right! They are GOOD! It takes alot to impress me too. Some pics were taken with my digital camera, the others were taken with the Retro Camera, its an APP on my Droid. I like the way they came out.
So this Thanksgiving my girlfriend decided to drive from Delaware to Cincinnati, Ohio, then to Indianapolis Indiana. We both have families in Cincinnati, but shes from Indiana, so we killed two birds with one stone! Here are the pics.
So I did buy Call of Duty Black Ops the first day it came out. The game is Dope! At first I wasnt feeling it, because I liked Modern Warfare 2 so much, but Black Ops isnt that bad at all. Im glad I got it. My best game so far was 19 kills and 1 death. Terror Iz Him. A ratio of 19.00!
Picked up the new Xbox 360 Kinect over the weekend and i'm loving it. Kinect is a camera that lets you control the game your playing without using any controller. Kinect makes your body the controller. At first I was kind of hesitant to buy it, but after playing all weekend with my nephew, I know it was worth getting. Good exercise, and good laughs. Can't wait to throw a Kinect party now.
I got an email from my friend Antonio who wanted me to enhance his previous tattoo. I never created a tattoo, so I was up for the challenge. Antonio is a photographer, and he already had a camera tattooed on his arm, he just needed me to add a few things around it. He wanted a Bass Clef, a Rose, Rolls of film, and Polaroid photo. I played around with the images and came up with the final design. Here is the step by step process of the sketches, and the final outcome of the Tattoo. Thanks again Antonio for hitting me up to do this! like his work? follow him on Twitter..